I had the great honour of hearing a wise man speak today. My friend Kevin Salzman, who I am lucky to know, spoke at the local club and he spoke of his determination to go "beyond borders, beyond boundaries and beyond limitations". Today he did just that proving to himself and to others alike that a person with Cerebral Palsy can do anything they put their mind to. Kevin is a very inspiring friend and often he says that he is inspired by me. I laugh every time because in comparison to his motivation, mine is minuscule. Kevin plans to go across Canada in the summer of 2012 in a manual wheelchair. A feat that I could never imagine possible, if it weren't for his brilliant attitude and drive. Kevin often jokes that he is similar to Charlie Sheen in the fact that "[he] only has one speed, GO". And boy is it ever true.
I realize that going beyond our borders, boundaries and limitations is what makes us who we are. If we are not striving for a better us than we merely aren't living. Tomorrow as today I will fight to become a better Cecilia. I will allow Kevin to do just as he has set out to do, he has lit a fire inside me to push forward and achieve all of my greatest dreams. I surely won't go across Canada in a wheelchair, I'll leave that to him, but I will ensure I am giving myself a fair shot.
Inspiring others is what makes life so beautiful.