She broke the levi and the words began to pour. The pressures ached and quaked the feelings of which she was sure. The pain and hope seemed to encapsulate her now and she did nothing but write it all down. I used to cover myself in bandaids, hand grenades and novacaine she used to cover herself in rainbows and spiderwebs and lidacaine. She`ll never stray I know this is true, because she has me, and I have you. I`d like to say shes my sister and my very bestfriend; but none of it does any justice because in te end shes my BBFFL and that she`ll always be.
I value your honesty, your courage and how amazing you are and how amazing you will be. Heres to a hundred million letters, and heres to a hundred million more.
And the best part... these ones aren`t projected on blood stained canvas, oh no, nothing but bright purples and greens.
Ì love you.
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