Day 54: Decisions.

I'm inside out, my beliefs are in doubt. Shadowed with apathy and ignorance, I shall siege a future that has beckoned for an alliance with change. Please, let me make the right choice

I graduate from Nipissing University this summer... and I have to pick a college program, choose my future by the consent, a check mark on, of an application. I hope I make the right choice. I think I'm going to choose Mental Health and Addictions. I have so much interest in the abnormal and bleak. Perhaps life will afford me my desired position in life. Let me have the strength to rise about my self inflicted confines.

You can see right through me, I see just the surface.

1 comment:

  1. I think that's a great choice!
    Wishing you the best of luck, if you need anything let me know, and maybe next time I'm having a bad day - I'll send you a message...
